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A Visit to the Art Exhibition: Impressionist Art

We discuss or try to grasp silence, yet always need to be more fortunate. However, interprets or reflects, perhaps experience its elegance. It has no actual location or origin within the sphere of limits. Though, the essence flows probably where ‘being’ dances.  This is becoming a dream now, which has  the essence of existence that interpret or reflect what we wish to feel, smell, or act in the womb of reality.  One should not be a critic or try to describe an artist’s work, perhaps, the interaction with the work of art in a state of pure consciousness  at “Shakir Ali Museum” caught me surprised to come face to face with an expression of the inexplicable silence, the art of dying, the art of evolution, the art of ideas, and the reality of impressions. In the visit to Saima Asghar’s exhibition in an art gallery on March 6, 2019, I moved  closer to hidden or invisible meaning (Noumena).  The Portraits depict impressions of existence, silence, life, and death and extend the spirit o

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