Wearing Mask Is Not a Perfect Solution To Fight COVID-19

Written By Kamran Karim    

    We are overwhelmed by various ideas or theories to protect ourselves since the outbreak of the corona epidemic. Yet, people with conscious and less caring towards health are focusing mainly on Personal Protective Equipment’s (PPE), which are, Gloves, Masks, Eye Protection (goggles) and clothing (gowns, head covering & shoe covers). There are various stories about the preventive measures so far produced. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) since the outbreak begins to told Americans to not wear the masks unless feeling sick. The acclaimed centre gave various reasons to not wear, as masks do not offer significant protection from the direct transmission, also people become relax after wearing and avoid further safety measures. Later, the CDC changed the terms and suggested to wear masks despite any symptoms of the virus.

The US surgeon general ‘Jerome Adams’ viewed on the subject matter in a tweet, “Seriously people, stop buying Masks”, this was tweeted on February 29, just a one month and five days ago. “They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!”. This was considered a confusing message by Ben Cowling a professor of epidemiology and suggested after extensive research that the masks are not the “perfect public tool” as they actually don’t know how to wear masks in a proper way. He was interviewed to Business Insider that, “Wearing a mask by everybody is not that it will prevent from getting infected, but this will minimize the abrupt transmission to bit extent, and this is already useful”

The question is still vows in the discussions, Can face coverings are enough to prevent the spread of the disease? There are various answers and scientific knowledge strives to answers in the right directions. The studies on wearing masks seem inconclusive. Some studies are favouring, some put that the wearing masks have a bit effect in protecting the virus in any way settled in air or surface area. There are the following reasons for the less significance towards wearing masks if and only if, according to studies

1. Wearing a mask is not an iron-clad guarantee, as the virus can transmit through the masks, such that aerosols. 
2. If you wear mask properly (taking the mask off by the ear bands only) by not touching the side closer to the mouth can only be effective, but if you cough or sneeze and then touch the front then
3. You can spread or transmit the gems to so many in no time despite wearing the mask if you get infected by someone and have no symptoms.
4. The NPR reports that homemade masks are also not that much effective in protecting from the droplets, it might be effective but there are no exact or scientific findings.
5. If you are wearing a mask and thinking for a dinner, and you feel to take it off, this becomes useless, as this spreads the gems here and there and now finally hands and mouth would become full of gems.

More read: Coronavirus Pandemic A Global Event

You can understand that we have learned from various sources that what are the basics that actually works, still there is room to be filled. We need to think over the ideas we have to make sense of them in a way that going to work for us. Other than physical distancing, handwashing and quarantine, we need to care at a very minute level. Yet there is no ambiguity that faces mask works, but, if and only if, and we should wear them in a very sensible way. As when someone with COVID-19 wears mask then this works surely in preventing other people from being infected. Yet, this is only possible if we change the masks properly, and consider the alternative measures in a very sensitive way. otherwise, wearing masks seems not a perfect solution towards the safety of lives, yet we just feel the ease of taking 'apparent measure'. 

The writer is a student of Sociology with interest in metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, history of the Himalayan region, and consciousness in general. Kamrankarim96@gmail.com


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