A Visit to the Art Exhibition: Impressionist Art

We discuss or try to grasp silence, yet always need to be more fortunate. However, interprets or reflects, perhaps experience its elegance. It has no actual location or origin within the sphere of limits. Though, the essence flows probably where ‘being’ dances.

 This is becoming a dream now, which has the essence of existence that interpret or reflect what we wish to feel, smell, or act in the womb of reality. One should not be a critic or try to describe an artist’s work, perhaps, the interaction with the work of art in a state of pure consciousness at “Shakir Ali Museum” caught me surprised to come face to face with an expression of the inexplicable silence, the art of dying, the art of evolution, the art of ideas, and the reality of impressions.

In the visit to Saima Asghar’s exhibition in an art gallery on March 6, 2019, I moved closer to hidden or invisible meaning (Noumena). The Portraits depict impressions of existence, silence, life, and death and extend the spirit of the 19th-century art movement by Paris-based art that became prominentWomen (the 1870s-1880s) and established ‘impressionism art’.
She is a Denmark-born Pakistani Artist, currently teaching at the Government College for women in Jhelum. She received her MPhil in Studio Practice from the College of Art & Design, Punjab University Lahore. Her work has admired not the only audience, but professional artists at the exhibition. Her work has profound wisdom and aesthetics, and portraits give a sense of the ultimate gifts of skies. Colors thus condense time and space and create an organic link with the admirer’s set of hidden meanings & identities. It abducts us from the dictatorship of death-time, as elaborated by Paul Virilio in criticizing artificialization, which has replaced natural rhythms of consciousness, being, and existence.

Humans have an abundance of metaphysical and invisible conscious realities. Everyone perceives underlying meanings with subjective understanding and a sense of ‘reason’ or ‘pure reason.’’. Saima depicts the existence of humans like Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Immanuel Kant through her work. What appears to us as accurate may never be accurate; rather, it is our perception vis-à-vis the senses and lack of metaphysical understanding. As senses react to stimuli that come from the external world. Kant called such objects of perception phenomena 'das Ding a Sich,' and what actually exists or ‘things in themselves’ ‘noumena.’ In light of this conception, Saima’s work makes us capable of feeling ‘noumena.’ Our consciousness is overwhelmed with the dark mirror of hidden realities of life, death, and beyond.
The simple journey, abstract in essence, is enjoyed through metaphysics, metaphysics in presence, existentialism, ontol ogy,logy, and epistemology. However, books have no simple arguments or absolute rationale. We should also ask how 'knowledge' or phenomena could enlighten us. In a fundamental sense? I don’t think I should answer. The attempt of things that appear to us could never explain noumena. Silence is not an absence of language or a phenomenon of ‘nothingness.’ It is a phenomenon of being as “Dasein” exists ‘out-there,’ like an atom, which is not precisely there, but probably so. This silence probably visited her brush strokes via imagination, intuition, and pure reason.

Saima Asghar
In the title ‘somewhere inside me,’
she has depicted wounds of the material world on the canvas of existence. We live loaded with ideologies and violence. We admire the journey of existence in the epoch of metamorphosis. In the momentary journey, we settle where we are, not as who we are;a  instead, ‘us and them’. Life is so mean, that one seeks refuge in logical suicide. The scarcity of trust shatters dreams of co-existence, love, sex, and happiness. The depiction seems without fear to miss or love someone, miss who is no more or is dying somewhere. It seems colours have a secret language, and utter in silence “we are dead inside”. Death is the beauty of species. She is celebrating the death of existence in space and time, meant to explain transparent human conscience designs our behavior to accept who we are and who we are not. However, she is not creating a nihilistic being, nor rejects it. But whispers the ‘mysterious silence’ in the language of pure reason.
Saima Asghar

In another title, “evolution”, depicts the evolution of ideas that stem creativity at an utmost magnitude of consciousness. Cosmic strokes make sense of wakefulness, enlightenment, and alertness. Her living state is the highest perspective of aesthetics, pure reason, and beauty. Yet, she reveals a secret that the world of words is not sufficient for reaching the noumena, so the rest of the labor the mind seeks on Philosophy, Colonialism,that aa social activity of thoughts from things for things, rather things-for-themselves. The world left for human consciousness becomes a journey to explore that exists already.

The writer is interested in Social Sciences focused study is in Philosophy, Colonialism & Consciousness. Kamrankarimedu.gb@gmail.com


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