Trump Impeachment Scam

Donald Trump’s impeachment Scandal is weaving nowadays. He is the third US President to be impeached in history. In the era of Post-Truth, there is an ambivalence to investigate further into the matter. The major reasons are; abuse of powers and obstruction of Congress.

The Democratic members had voted along with majority votes to Impeach Donald Trump. Yet, the President is confident enough to get an acquittal. As no president ever punished or removed from office while in accusations of impeachment. He had been facing such cases, yet the hue and cry are in the aura.

The accusation of impeachment is based on the Trumps demand of an investigation of Ukrainian former Vice President Joe Biden, he is a frontrunner in the 2020 elections. Joe Biden is a lobbyist and lawyer by profession. The democratic-led congress-man are standing with him, yet, the matter has not been solved and creating ambiguity.

It has been started with a whistle-blower complain, it was based on a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky and this was not digestible for democrats. In a phone call, Trump pressured the Ukrainian President to open the case of Joe Biden and his son. Biden’s son ‘Hunter’ was in Ukrainian Gas company, yet there has not been any proof of wrongdoing.

The whistle-blower sent a mail to congress, about the matter, and said about the phone call. The letter discusses that the call is recorded, yet the source is in contact with the CIA, and do know the congress-man directly

Now, the next hearing in Senate is not decided, upon hearing the cases of Impeachment, the case will proceed. Yet, the acquittal will be President's fate, but, rumours are still in the air about the removal of the President.

Kamran Karim


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