The Interactive Rational Corners

(Photos provided by Sapienx Iris)

Written By Kamran Karim

The idea of interactive rational corners is an expression of enjoying tea and critical discussions in the aura of books. It is the mental process that involves the urge to think and talk in an argumentative way. The method constructs a medium to know the unknown. The discussions at interactive or rational corners play an essential role in the whole process. The philosophers have been involved in discussions to argue about daily phenomenon, or question anything. In a nutshell, discussions are rational engagements in society that practices in different zones. 

There exist certain zones or specified areas where people gather to discuss, share or argue ideas. As the mind is a processing machine works in a way it is programmed. The process to engage with one another in discussions makes sense of rational interactive corners.

The rationale of discussions provides a certitude about ideas in language, culture and symbolic world. Ideas get rich at the core of discussions and law of change falls in the multifold phenomenon. The discussions at public gatherings share, argue and debate knowledge in given expressions. As being rational is not about having mere knowledge, but answering to prove the knowledge in a given time. This makes sense of being ‘rational’. Yet, society lacks to rely on knowledge with the certitude of expressions to respond in any unexpected situation.

The rationale of critical discussions involves a process of thought. The engagement in unreasoning of disagreement in an uncritical manner diminishes the richness of thought. An approach of ‘agree to disagree’ seems missing in the epoch of knowledge society. The unreasoning comes in society as an expression of attitude, which further avoids engagement of discussions. This restricts new knowledge (episteme) to take place in language.

The discussion at tea corners is a cultural trait. Yet, the aura lacks books and conceptions of critical discussions while having a sitting at a Tea corner. The scope of discussion corners is essential to every domain irrespective of a specific society.

The unavailability of public spaces for discussions lacks the fluid to absorb other reality. The masses are made into the contest, resist, and challenge others beliefs. Hence, scholarly ideals describe territorial alienation, and rigidity in attitude. This is one of the constructions of colonial scholarship or epistemic performance results in poverty of thinking. The case implies in colonialized territories where people have clear imprints on a subconscious level. The colonial legacy of thinking has ‘meta-narratives, which shapes and orders behaviour, attitudes, and thinking. Yet, the post-modern scenario has varying narratives directing to no one in particular in an objective sense. We need immediate public or intellectual spaces to challenge burdensome thinking. The ambivalent state of affairs resulting in social evils are not only solved through structural changes, rather a general public awareness in an ordered way would be a harbinger for change. In nutshell, the arrested development will only be replaced while having critical thinking abilities.

The lacking character of in discussions disturbs the pattern of ideas in society. In consequence, harmed thinking in society stems out of irrational discussions results in the state of dysfunction, disintegration and weakening corpus. The people hardly feel to have a check on fledgeling thoughts. It could hardly make sense of breaking chains of insanity, ignorance, and ambiguity. Hence, could never find solutions to existing problems.

As the change in mind is an incessant process. The serene sense of change in mind broadens the horizon of thought, discovery and socio-political consciousness. The world is changing before the beginning of life. The idea of change might be witnessed by being conscious, yet the flow of change is the law of the multiverse. It is never-ending, limited, or confined, and influence in some or other way around. Change happens in a visionary framework under imagination, and flexibility of world view or intelligence in another way.

This is core to have an understanding of the world and abrupt socio-political changes. In the case of Pakistan and Gilgit-Baltistan in particular, the nature of change flows in a strict sense, where narratives and ideologies rule or decide the fate of millions. In the region, the idea of change is not integrated with cultural expressions of knowledge and rationality. The so-called literate minds claim logical and critical in thinking, others are supposed to be irrational and illiterate. The strict division of construction of intelligence is limited to specific minds or personalities due to unavailable spaces of discussions. 

The Socratic Method of discussions can be proven to testimony changes possible in theorizing, analyzing a hyper-cognitive mind that act in accordance with the socio-political and economic situation. A healthy and critical mind is always the saviour of the planet Earth. The existence of the mind makes exist a world, something might happen outside of the mind, yet, can only be visible through it.
The ability of argument in mind plays an essential role in thinking, analyzing, and deducing logic out of the critical milieu. The available spaces for discussions other than mind are tea corners. The bulk of male with tons of stories visits for tea. In a local phrase, Burushahki, “Chai’an manisa’, in Shina, “Chai’ak Bota’ refers directly to have a discussion on a subject in the lurk of tea. Yet, the female lacks semiotics and places to refer for a discussion with tea irrespective of time.

The need for discussion corners is greatly felt and needed to integrate society in particular. The spaces for intelligible activities of discussions are meant to bring a revolution to mind. It’s proven that a discussion results in check on the mind and socio-political situations. In any case, it directs a way for people in deciding a way out or a blueprint for the rest of the nation. The inevitable significance of discussions can be exercised in any case, availing a space, where anyone visits for a book and discussion in the guise of tea. The idea of discussion with tea or coffee is the essence of hybrid and diverse societies. The way to head on a journey of critical thinking, and creating discourses stems out of such an aura. In the case of France and other countries where revolutions happened were the result of such coffee and book shops. Spending incessant time on discussions happen miracles, a miracle of imagination and intelligence formulating an ideal society, where the life of the mind and material world synchronize and rhyme along with cosmic strings and sing the universal melody of the zeitgeist.

The writer is interested in Social Sciences focused study is in Philosophy, Colonialism & Consciousness.


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