Philosophy of Silence and Ideas

Living life of no one, thinking borrowed, feel no flesh and bones, thanks to no one. Looking in screen, writing in keyboard, yet, someone inside remains silent. How could I say, I said? How could I feel without words, vocabulary lingers in thoughts? And yes, thoughts have no validity. Thoughts don’t exist prior to silence. And silence has no life and expressions… how could I agree or acclaim its very essence? Why I ask if no one answers. No one could answer in silence. Though, silence could have closer relation with reality. And reality, yet no one knows, even, no traces of reality could ever found anywhere. Maybe, no one is living anywhere, matter including living bodies don’t exist in reality? Or I have vocabulary to make it right or even anything without label.

Though, Silence exists somewhere no one lived ever, still, glimpses of iceberg visits my shops of ideas.  I’m a seller, I sold ideas, and ideas belongs to no one. No one could ever have ideas. Ideas linger with probability within and beyond time and space. We have inherent property, or learnt by outside to exchange ideas in someone or another one.

Still, science of silence remain a mystery. The mystery to think, and think within thought, and become silent within thought of thought.
1:55 A.M


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